Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2013

In the bag

This year Richard is up in Edinburgh performing in The Collision of Things at the pleasance. So I headed up there for a long weekend to catch up with him, see lots of theatre and eat haggis with every meal! (Haggis pie pictured below)



There’s still a few days left of the festival so if you’re heading up there here’s my Ed Fringe survival kit:


1. Hair brush – be prepared for gusty winds and drizzly rain at festival time. There’s no way I’m going to waste valuable fun time heading back to the digs or hotel to get ready for dinner or another show, so much prefer to keep my barnet in check on the go!

2. Umbrella – I know it’s Summer but this is Scotland, it’s beautiful, it’s fun, but it rains.

3. Stapler – If you’re hanging out with performers (very good idea-they know where the good shows are) bring a stapler. As reviews are published they print out quotes and staple them to their flyers and posters. Lend a hand with the admin and they might just reward you with great recommendations or even a complimentary ticket to their show.



4. Botanics All Bright – refreshing eye roll-on – Do the fringe right and you’ll be in and out of shows from the moment you arrive. Constantly going from the blackouts in the auditorium to the summer sunshine pushing through the rain clouds outside gives your eyes a bit of a rough deal. This cooling eye gunk is the travel equivalent of the old teaspoons in the freezer trick.

5. Sweater – most venues are pretty warm inside but after about 6pm there’s a definite autumnal vibe outside. Plus, if you drop haggis down you’re t-shirt you can cover up with a nice clean sweater.

6. Cash – tickets can be paid for with card but take a few quid for signed books, programmes and merchandise. It’s such a blur by the end you’ll want a few things to remind you what happened.

7. Pen – there’s no shortage of scraps of paper and what’s on guides but don’t forget a pen to mark what it is you actually want to see or the directions of how to get there.

8. Bag – bring a bag bigger than you need, to stash all the flyers and tickets for the shows you want to go to.

9. Small towel – hand dryers break…and did I mention it rains?

10. Comfy shoes. You prefer heels? You’re braver than me.

Shows to see:

The Collision of Things – Move to Stand. Richard’s show! There’s a cast of three, original music and…oh if I tell you any more I’ll ruin it, go see it, you won’t regret it.

Colin Hoult: Character Horse
I love going to see Colin’s shows, not just because he often utilises his fine Nottinghamshire accent thus making me feel less homesick but because he’s hillarious.

Anyone else miss “Who’s line is it anyway?” never fear Battleacts will quench your satirical improvisation thirst. They are a wonderful bunch. And it’s free!!

La Merda – Silvia Gallerano
Ok, there’s a lady, sat on a plinth with no clothes on getting a bit shouty. From that description I wasn’t keen but the reviews were glowing, 4 and 5 stars all over the place. We popped along to see what all the fuss was about. Amazing, go see.

More favourites…

Ben Moor: Each of Us

Missing – gecko theatre

Solfatara – atresbandes

That Pair: Never Liked Her Anyway

Have a wonderful time x

Take one

Cooking, In the bag

We are soon to be filming Episode 1 of a series of cookery shows and today is our first rehearsal. Right now I’m feeling very excited and horribly nervous in equal quantities :-/

Just got to pack my bag and hit the shops for the ingredients…I think I have everything:


Desk of the week!

In the bag

I did lots of little excited dances when I was asked to feature on Kindred HQ’s desk of the week yesterday! Such a lovely site and I am over the moon! Click here to see the whole interview

So incase you were wondering what all the little bits and bobs which I surround myself with are….

1. Trusty Laptop

2. Toast with avocado, spinach and poached egg for lunch! Blend half an avocado with a handful of spinach and some lemon juice for a superfood spread.

3. Please do not expect me to string together a sentence before I’ve had a double espresso

4. In a vague attempt to get my things in some kind of order I have gone mad on ebay buying up vintage biscuit tins! Seemed logical.

5. Photos of lovely people

6. Flyer for my end of year exhibition from my degree at Norwich School of Art & Design. This holds lovely memories, and it’s also a useful reminder of the year of my graduation for when I am filling out forms.

7. Tiny wooden cat from my brother when he lived in Japan

8. I love this clutch purse and although it is almost ruined by cocktail stains I can’t seem to part with it.

9. Rusty pie tins for more storage – not one of my better ideas.

10. Old graze platter boxes are super for cards and envelopes though.

11. Recipe cards from Abel & Cole – their veg boxes are super!

12. My lovely yellow satchel 🙂

Ahem…and here’s all the rest of the stuff I cleared off the desk onto the floor to take the picture! Sshhhh 😉

In my bag this week….

In the bag

What does the snazzy London-based freelance food-writer carry around?

…no idea, but here’s what’s in my bag this week:

1. The end of the affair by Graham Greene. I love Graham Greene and I am enjoying this book very much. When I’ve finished it I might even book myself a table at Rules restaurant – it features heavily at the beginning of the book and is apparently one of London’s oldest restaurants

2. Graze boxes. These mail order snacks are super yummy and come in convenient little boxes to scoff anywhere. Great excuse to eat dried fruit, nuts and seeds; www.graze.com

3. These are my new sunglassess…what do you think? Cool? or used car sales?

4. So I’ve heard cold-pressed rapeseed oil is even healthier than olive oil…and because there’s a load of UK producers now that’s a couple less air-miles which I can spend on coffee and chocolate! This little bottle is from Culisse and I was given it by the Culisse people themselves at the Speciality & Fine Food Fair last year. This brand is nice, so is Borderfields.

5. TEA! This week my favourite teas are…Teapigs peppermint, Twinings Morning Detox and Pukka Night Time.

6. Oyster card in my Doctor Who Experience card holder. Brilliant. I also have the lanyard, T-shirt and Poster. I am cool.

7. This purse was £2 from Oxfam in Nottingham, I think it looks like it should belong to Mary Poppins

8. Chapstick, classic

9. Mini grater – I’ve used this for lemon zest, chocolate, nutmeg, garlic and even as a mini strainer, so useful.

10. It’s Easter and there are chocolate mini eggs everywhere! To stop me reaching for the sweet stuff I reckon that if I put a couple of these little chicks on my dinner I can pretend anything is an Easter treat, even salad! Might work 🙂

11. Lemons. Matches my bag and a zingy seasoning alternative to salt

12. AVOCADOS! I love these. My favourite breakfast right now is sourdough toast spread with avocado, topped with a poached egg and a little freshly ground black pepper – ace!
